Helping People Heal
This 8-episode video series "Helping People Heal" is geared towards helping people heal from the traumatic experience of a loved one dying. They will walk you through the natural and Biblical process of healing.
We also have a free message, "From God's Perspective," which will further help you to understand death and eternal life. Click below to listen or watch!
The truths found in God's Word about overcoming the pain associated with losing a loved one are powerful, and will help you on your journey to healing. Watch these broadcasts and allow God's Word to heal your heart and soul. All of these videos are also available on our YouTube page.
If your loved one has transitioned to heaven and you would like to see them again, you will have to believe in whom they believed, and receive Him in your heart. To receive salvation or rededication , click here to go to our Salvation & Rededication page, where a short video message will assist you in understanding and receiving the gift of salvation or rededication. Go ahead and take what God has provided for you!