The Gift of Salvation Is
for You!
Hello Dear Friend: God is waiting for you to partake of His love. He desires for you to know Him and His Son Jesus Christ so that you can have a life of peace, walk innocently and live free! Open your heart and listen to the video below.
Rededicate Your Life to Christ Today!
Hello Child of God: Did you accept Jesus Christ as Savior in the past, but have been living a lifestyle displeasing to God? If so, you're not on this page of the website by chance. In this moment, God wants your attention and is graciously extending another opportunity for you to recommit to Him. Open your heart and listen to the video below.
Congratulations! Your life will never be the same!
Press the button below and acknowledge that you have received Jesus as your Lord, and Savior. Also, you will receive a free gift booklet entitled Grow and Change Your World! This booklet will share information with you regarding your next steps.
Congratulations! I know that it feels good to be in right fellowship with your Father, God!
Press the button below and acknowledge that you have rededicated your life back to God. Also, you will receive a free gift booklet entitled Grow and Change Your World! This booklet will share information with you regarding your next steps.
Lastly, once you received God’s gift of salvation, He has promised to walk with you daily! So, take the time to talk with Him daily, and allow Him to lead you into a life of peace and wholeness!

Lastly, I encourage you to continue to heed your Father’s voice and live your life in continuous fellowship with Him!